Welcome to Hook C of E Primary School!
Tel: 01405 762576
Email: [email protected]
Admissions Information
Tel: 01405 762576
Email: [email protected]
Admissions Information
Welcome to Hook C of E Primary School!
Tel: 01405 762576
Email: [email protected]
Admissions Information
Tel: 01405 762576
Email: [email protected]
Admissions Information
Policy for Charging and Remissions
The governing body do not generally charge for any activity carried out during school time. The exception to this is music lessons provided by the Local Authority peripatetic service. Voluntary contributions are sought for visits out but no child is excluded on the basis of non-payment. After-school activities run by specialist groups may incur a charge.
This policy is one which applies to all schools within Edukos Trust. Please click here for a copy of the Trust’s policy.