Our Governors

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Hook C E Primary School has a very supportive and active Governing Body.

The Governing Body is responsible for the long term strategic direction of the school. It has statutory responsibilities including agreeing the school budget and expenditure and ensuring key policies are in place. Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school. The role is one of ‘critical friend’, asking questions and providing challenge and support in any areas in which they have expertise. Governor training is provided – new governors can attend training sessions with East riding of Yorkshire Council.

Governors’ terms of office are expected to be 4 years. The full Governing Board meet once a term.

Contact details for the Chair of Governors can be found on the Contact Us page..

Our Local Governing Body (LGB) Membership

Full NameDate of AppointmentEnd of TermHow AppointedRoles and Responsibility
Rev. Philip Ball01/10/2014-Foundation Governor appointed from the DioceseMaths
Pamela Bellre-elected 30/06/202329/06/2027Appointed by the TrusteesChair of Governors
Safeguarding & CP
Headteachers' Reviewer
Alison Hurrenre-elected 06/06/202205/06/2026Appointed by ParentsObj 1: Phonics
Obj 2: Writing
Literacy Governor
Debbie Kay23/07/202122/07/2025Appointed by ParentsAttendance
SEND Governor
Pupil Premium & Sports Premium
Caroline AinleyUntil ceases to be HeadHead of School as votng GovernorSafeguarding Lead
Gillian Leetham31/10/202231/10/2026Elected by StaffObj 1: Wellbeing
Olivia Watkinson25/10/202324/10/2027Foundation Governor
Martin Hyde08/12/202207/12/2026Trust Governor

Member Resignations

Full NameDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeDate of ResignationHow Appointed
Kenneth Barclayre-elected 01/02/20204 years07/04/2022Foundation Governor Co-opted from the Diocese
Annali Crawford24/04/20204 years12/10/2021Trust appointed
Samantha Bainton05/10/20204 years28/09/2022Elected by staff