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Hook Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Garth Lane
East Riding of Yorkshire
DN14 5NW

Tel: 01405 762576
Fax: 01405 762576

The following points of contact can be reached care of the above:-

Head Teacher – Mrs C M Ainley

Chair of Governors – Mrs P Bell (Contactable via School Office)

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) – Mrs E Halkon

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C M Ainley

Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss C Yewman

Miss Garner, Mrs Buck and Mrs Dennison would be happy to take calls on 01405 762576 or answer queries via email [email protected]

Hook C. E. Primary School is part of the Edukos Trust (formerly Swanland Educational Trust) family. Their contact details are:-

Edukos Trust
c/o Swanland Primary School
Tranby Lane
East Yorkshire
HU14 3NE

Tel: 01482 231800
Email: [email protected]
