The OPAL Project and Future Plans

Dear Parents,

We are excited to share with you our short-term plans towards our OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) project. The project is part of our vison to give the children fun, exciting and active playtimes that will give them opportunities to develop socialisation, cooperation, coordination, resilience, creativity and imagination.

We hope you have enjoyed watching your children play on our new playground lines, paid for by the money raised by our fantastic PTFA. It has been lovely to see children of all ages taking on the trail challenge and performing in our stage area. We have also invested in an outdoor sound system which we have started using at playtimes, filling the playground with dancing, singing and music.

In the coming weeks you may see cardboard boxes and art resources collecting in our entrance archway, the development of an art and cardboard construction area is going to be one of our next projects. Alongside this we will be providing the children with small world toys (such as rubber/plastic dinosaurs, animals, characters, fairies etc.) to develop imaginary play.

With these projects in mind we would be grateful for any donations of:

– small world toys

– cardboard boxes

– art and craft resources (including natural resources such as pine cones, pebbles and anything the children can paint or draw on)

– plastic storage boxes with lids

Any donations can be brought to the school office, however if you need support in transporting items to school, please contact so we can arrange collection.

We are trying hard to make our school grounds more accessible all year round, regardless of the weather. If the weather forecast is poor for the day please send your child in with wellies/suitable footwear so they are able to access grassy and muddy areas.

We are really excited about this project and look forward to sharing future plans with you, we value your support in our efforts to improve playtime for all children.

Yours sincerely,

The OPAL Team