Class 3’s “A Carnival of Animals” Topic

Class 3’s “A Carnival of Animals” Topic
Class 3’s topic for the Spring term is called “A carnival of animals”, based on the song by Camille Saint-Saëns. 
The focus of this topic is Science, as we explore the natural world and as many of the animals on our planet as we can. We are hoping to have in school a different animal visitor every few weeks. This animal will then be the focus of a variety of tasks Mrs Bainton has organised for us.
We have begun with asking topic questions, to help us consider the information we would like to find out. We have also studied the different habitats that can be found and have used this as an inspiration for our descriptive writing. Take a look at some of our super pieces of work.
We have then moved into the wildlife area, to try and discover as many minibeasts as we could. We really enjoyed this activity and weren’t afraid to get our hands dirty, as we dug in the mud, moved logs and searched for the darkest and dampest environments we could find. We are then going to research these animals to create our own fact file. We will also look at artwork from famous artists to discover how these animals can be represented through art. Our results can also be used in mathematical ways, and will really help us to learn about the animals in our local environment.
As the term progresses Mrs Bainton is hoping to have other animal visitors in our classroom, such as dogs, hedgehogs, butterflies and a visit from Sam’s Safaris. We can’t wait to share the work with you that we create along the way, and we look forward to learning all about the Science of animals and the mysteries that surround them.