Class 5’s Eggnauts!

Class 5’s Eggnauts!

Class 5 split into 6 groups. Each group designed a landing craft for an egg (Eggnaut!) with a limited supply list and amount… and with no input or suggestions from the adults in the classroom!

Group 1 built a padded raft like structure and were not successful.
Group 2 created a padded cylinder structure with a solid base.
Group 3 built a paper box 
Group 4 built a triangular cage with a parachute.
Group 5 built a shallow structure with a large parachute. They were the only other group that were not successful on their first attempt.
Group 6 built a sturdy triangular frame, complete with door and parachute.

For the groups that didn’t successfully land their egg, they went back and thought about what went wrong and redesigned their Eggnaut.

Finally, the experiment was typed up using the laptops.